MEAT RACK Men's Only BDSM Fetish Party.
Friday the 8th Nov
Doors Open At 8pm
First release tickets on sale now!
First Release $60 + bf
Second Release $70 + bf
Door (If not sold out) $80This Is A BYO Alcohol Event. We supply the mixers and soft drinks at the bar which is free. You just need to bring your own alcohol and our bar staff will look after you....
This Is A Fetish Event...
Strict Dress Code. Fetish Wear. No Gear, No Entry!
We Have Free Unlimited Coat Check (run by SYD-PAH)
Please bring your own Toys, Whips, Floggers & Rope, et.
Enjoy 3 levels
Basement Level; The Dungeon (play area)
Ground Level; Bar and Pool Table (social area)
Top level; Sling Room and Orgy Room including Shower and Wet Area (play area)
This Is Our Men's Only Event. We Welcome All Men Gay, Bi, Straight and Trans Men...
- DMYK @Our Secret Spot
First Release Tickets $60 + Booking Fee
Second Release Tickets $70 + Booking Fee
.DYMK is back with an Alien Sex themed play party 👽 the night before Good Friday! 🚀 So grab your tickets and come join us for this intergalactic version of DYMK¿
Thursday, 17th of April, 2025 - 8PM.
Get ready to dive headfirst into the wild and wicked world of DYMK¿ where sexual freedom and self-expression reign supreme! Think of it as a massive, kinky love-in for all the beautiful showgirls, showboys, and showeverythings! As we let it all out there, from Leather daddies, sailor boys, and cock suckin' cowboys in women's lingerie? You betcha! We're celebrating those clown freak monkeys running amok, flogging, pony players, and rubber gimp legends with laser eyes that'll melt the sparkly, naked flesh of our painted bodies. It's going to be an Alien-themed sex party for all you sexual deviates...
DJ Matt Vaughan is taking us to another galaxy beyond sight and sound.
Are you ready to be beamed straight to Planet Kinkster, where sexual gladiators are snogging the faces of party animals living out their wildest rubber puppy fantasies!
Dress Code - whatever the fuck you want, as long as you look hot and you feel sexy, "Live Your Fantasy And Celebrate Your Kink."
There will be unlimited coat checks. (run by SYD-PAH)
Enjoy three 3-level clubs with a Dungeon basement, social area and dance floor, pool table, play space, sling room and wet room.
BYO Alcohol Event. We supply free mixers and friendly bar staff to look after your drinks.
“Queer Fetish Party“Showgirls | ClubKids | Leather | Circus Clowns | CS Cowboys | Freaks | - DMYK¿, Sydney’s hottest, all-inclusive and PERVERSE fetish party - Experience the sexual, perverted world of DYMK¿
Celebrating all genders, sexuality and bodies as we come together for another DYMK queer fetish party